Blog: excerpt from the middle of an untold tale
Her eyes closed tightly, their corners crinkled up like a chocolate candy wrapper twisted round its treasure.
“(Love is a verb. It moves.)”
Ali, The Kissing Lessons - "Note to self" ✪ -
Flickr: trial by fire
Blog: bottle cap
They never did. I was their intoxicant.
Flickr: jeune beauté dans le vent
Flickr: stone cold celia
Blog: April Fools!
Did I fool ya?
“Sometimes, I struggle with telling you the things I want to tell you. I want to stick my neck out and make you feel as special as you make me feel. So, when the moment strikes, I let it go. I probably say too much. I probably act like some gushy girl. It’s embarrassing. And that’s why this entry is risky. Because I’m gonna gush in front of the whole damn Internet. And you’re gonna smirk.”
"it's you" - Alma ✪
Mila (Jacob Stetser)
is a writer, photographer,
& anything else that interests him.