My method of Buddhist practice is dangerous.
Dangerous Practice
/ Cambridge, Massachusetts
/My method of Buddhist practice is dangerous.
Why? Because to practice in the world, engaged and engulfed by it, means we forget or sidestep our practice at times. We don’t sit. We don’t do the yoga to which we’ve committed ourselves. We don’t read or heed the teachings of the lineage masters, our Roshi, our Rinpoche, our guru.
But even in this unanchored time, the lessons still find us, and our practice still seeps into our lives, in subtle, sublime ways.
Regardless of your practice, you will become enlightened. Too many beings are tirelessly working toward that goal for you. And for me. And for our cats.
So – when you feel distant from your practice, or when you know you’ve been neglecting it, take heart and thank the compassionate beings who have continued their efforts on your behalf. You haven’t done anything wrong. You’ve been yourself.
Now go get back to your practice.