Poem: Conclusion : there wouldn’t have been two misfits, finding happiness in old china.
Poem: the yellow mist : “I have gone at dusk through narrow streets…” t.s. eliot
Poem: song of the eclipse : but some nights his face will blacken / his eyes, once bright with wit, will blink
Poem: my lips still hum : My mind still waits at history’s list / there are still losses that I mourn.
Poem: beach walks : there will be no more beach walks no more delighted glances over tea
Poem: Reaching In : And yet the thought of dancing there makes the leap-
Poem: across the miles : we’ll both be imagining
Poem: resurrection / if i : These hands were made to fit yours and will never lose their shape…
Mila (Jacob Stetser)
is a writer, photographer,
& anything else that interests him.