You cannot paint yourselves the protectors of the people & yet disavow that very responsibility when you fail.

& one more thing…

A note to government at all levels: You cannot paint yourselves the protectors of the people, the defenders of the faith, the guardians of homeland security and yet disavow that very responsibility when you and your colleagues fail in your collective duties.

You currently scramble to save yourselves from the brunt of an angry popular response to a natural disaster that became a man-made tragedy.

I’d respect you more, instead of demand your resignation or impeachment, if you simply admitted your failures, took responsibility for the events surrounding the Katrina disaster, and worked to prevent future calamities.

UPDATE: Thankfully, Bush did take at least some of the responsibility for the government’s failures. With the Washington Post (a pro-administration paper if there ever was one) heralding “the end of the Bush era”:…, however, it may just have been too little to save his Presidency.

Mila (Jacob Stetser)

Mila is a writer, photographer, poet & technologist.

He shares here his thoughts on Buddhism, living compassionately, social media, building community,
& anything else that interests him.

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