Why do we commit the fallacy of believing our hearts are the containers of love, having only so much volume of love that must be carefully meted out to one, or to a few?

Creating strong bonds

Part of the the Heart & the Law collection

These days I’m so astonished at how many bonds we reject with others out of fear, someone telling us how things should be…



Over the past year I’ve found friends with whom I connect at a level that sometimes scares – in intensity and potential to completely change my life’s path at any moment. I used to shrink away from those connections; yet now I learn to revel in them.

Why do we commit the fallacy of believing our hearts are the containers of love, having only so much volume of love that must be carefully meted out to one, or to a few?

Our hearts do not hold love; they create it.. and the more we allow our love to pour out of us, the greater its capacity to create more.

And I believe that the connections between us, strengthened by the love that grows, sometimes subtly, sometimes with astounding ferocity, feed each of our hearts. To open oneself up to loving each person with whom your soul connects creates a web of energy much like a power grid, humming with the energy of creation.

More and more I feel like I’ve tapped into this network and that it calls for as much love from me as it shows me.

And I have my friends, who have each in their own way called me to express my love, and who have called forth these feelings from me, to thank for this peace, even in difficult times.

Thank you.

Mila (Jacob Stetser)

Mila is a writer, photographer, poet & technologist.

He shares here his thoughts on Buddhism, living compassionately, social media, building community,
& anything else that interests him.

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