I am always willing to say sorry first and to give someone multiple chances. I am the girl that sends people letters years later apologizing for shit I did that sucked. I never close a door, even when it’s closed on me. I expect brutal honesty and give the same back. I won’t ever blow smoke up your ass. I will support you until the end of time, even if I can’t stand to look at you. And I don’t want to know you if you won’t let me know you. If there’s a wall, I’ll either tear it down or cut my losses. I’ll give you exactly what you give me. If you think I’m being this way or that, look in a mirror.alma @ tales from mid-air

Mila (Jacob Stetser)

Mila is a writer, photographer, poet & technologist.

He shares here his thoughts on Buddhism, living compassionately, social media, building community,
& anything else that interests him.

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