How else could I make you sound?

an angel’s name

Part of the love songs collection


The sound of your own name, slipping sweetly from your lover’s lips… the most divine of kisses, light with the touch of air & sound upon your ear, yet pulsing through each particle of you, electric shiver, warmth and liquid.

I delight to carve the syllables of you with my tongue, tracing & shaping the curves of sound as I might explore the contours of your eagerness.

Antonette, my little antonia, dripping like summer rain off my blushing lips, I sing your sounds to see you blush.

I say your name to hear your breath catch with the delicious agony of desire.

How else could I make you sound?

You begin and end with a smile on my lips and I want to repeat you.

I sing your name in desire, I sing to set your senses ablaze. I sing out “antonette”, and the night


Mila (Jacob Stetser)

Mila is a writer, photographer, poet & technologist.

He shares here his thoughts on Buddhism, living compassionately, social media, building community,
& anything else that interests him.

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