1. “Maybe the first time you saw her you were 10. She was standing in the sun scratching her legs. Or tracing letters in the dirt with a stick. Her hair was being pulled. Or she was pulling someone’s hair. And a part of you was drawn to her, and a part of you resisted—wanting to ride off on your bicycle, kick a stone, remain uncomplicated. In the same breath you felt the strength of a man, and a self-pity that made you feel small and hurt. Part of you thought: Please don’t look at me. If you don’t, I can still turn away. And part of you thought: Look at me.” Nicole Krauss, The History of Love

  2. Blog: the best of you 2009: Blog!

    The winner of this year’s Most Joyful Blog To Read goes to…

  3. Poem: sad girl in snow : today, you’re Daddy’s girl grasping a single sky-colored carnation and a camera

  4. Poem: Minutiae : a fifteen second poem

  5. Blog: love in reverse

    “People may share a drink, a house, a bed; but only doing silly things together indicates true intimacy.”

  6. Blog: cranberries & stuffing

    Oh, and I’m thankful for you!

Mila (Jacob Stetser)

Mila is a writer, photographer, poet & technologist.

He shares here his thoughts on Buddhism, living compassionately, social media, building community,
& anything else that interests him.

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