1. Blog: if you’re not feeling vibrant…

    … something may be wrong.

  2. Blog: Choosy Moments

    a moment of questioning is not a moment of choosing.

  3. Blog: Creating strong bonds

    Why do we commit the fallacy of believing our hearts are the containers of love, having only so much volume of love that must be carefully meted out to one, or to a few?

  4. Blog: Home

    In Buddhism, wisdom and compassion are inseparable; they must be conjoined for true application of either.

  5. Blog: Dangerous Practice

    My method of Buddhist practice is dangerous.

  6. Blog: Translation vs. Transcendance

    Here’s my advice: take no paradigm too seriously, for you will slide among them much more freely than you can imagine.

  7. Blog: back in black

    A herd of kool-aid drinking apple gnomes are assembling it now and it should be making its way around the globe to me soon!

  8. Blog: About spiritual teachers

    Here’s the thing about spiritual teachers. They’re human.

Mila (Jacob Stetser)

Mila is a writer, photographer, poet & technologist.

He shares here his thoughts on Buddhism, living compassionately, social media, building community,
& anything else that interests him.

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